Week 1 Reflection: Recharge Learning

Blog: Recharge Learning

I visited a postĀ from pinterest through one of my education instructors and found a quite interesting blog that was connected showing how technology has made a huge impact in classrooms. This blog I reviewed valued the so called 4C’s which are Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Creativity. Digital resource has become essential in classrooms and now everyone practically has acccess to it. I learnt how critical the use of technology can shift the flow of a classroom. It actually surprised me how much apps and tech is used within classrooms nowadays, whereas, back when i was in school technology was barely existent. Overall blogs like this are extremely resourceful on showing the change in education and informingĀ other educators.

OSMO in the classroom

My experience using Osmo was very new and exciting! Definitely a very creative program that can grab attention and definitely the classroom! The interactively of Osmo was very easy to use. My favourite one to use was Osmo words! The pictures that were shown and the words correlated were words that I had to think out of the box to answer and it helped with fast brain processing.
